Since December of 2018 the job seekers that come to Hudson Job Search have had the benefit of working with Richard “Dick” Starr. Always keeping his clients on the fast-track through their job search, Dick has helped countless job seekers, or clients, to secure employment. We take this month to feature Dick and spotlight his history and contribution to the organization with this interview:
Q: What is Your Professional Background?
After graduation from John Carroll University, I started a 5 year career with Honeywell- Building Controls Division as a Sales Engineer. After 3 years I was transferred to Toledo, Ohio as the youngest Manager in the country. After two years in this role I was on a fast track in Fortune 100 company. Desiring to return to N.E. Ohio so my young daughters would know their grandparents, I became a Director of the Systems/Service Division of a large Mechanical Contracting/Engineering firm in Youngstown, Ohio. After two years , I had an “itch” to be in my own business which is where I spent the next 40 years of my life. I owned an HVAC Mechanical Service Agency specializing in Building Controls and resolving building Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) issues. The latter business was a forerunner in our industry and really propelled our growth. As people became more sensitive to working in healthy buildings our ability to define, measure and resolve proper ventilation air changes resulted in Health Care and the Industrial environment becoming among our best customers.
Q: What inspired you to become an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: First, it’s a discretionary environment! Having hands on experience hiring people for the majority of my business life, I’m keenly aware what employers are thinking. Hiring Managers know every new hire is the beginning of solving or creating problems for their employer. It’s among the most critical decisions a business or institution can make.
Q: How long have you been an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: Since December, 2018
Q: What do you enjoy the most about your role as an Advisor with the organization?
A: Solving problems underscores my business profile, so helping coach Hudson Job Search clients (job seekers) through the process is very fulfilling. Sometimes you’re helping a client deal with the emotion and stress associated with a job loss. Our job, however, is to get them focused and on a path to finding something better than what they left behind.
Q: What’s your favorite Hudson Job Search story?
I had one client who was told to be prepared to explain why he should be hired at an upcoming interview and so I had him practice on me. After the trial presentation I told him to adjust his presentation by realigning the priority of his thoughts. I had him put his final summary at the beginning and explained the order should be: 1) tell them what you are going to tell them; 2) tell them; 3) tell them what you told them.
The Hiring Manager was so impressed with the order of my client’s presentation because… 1: he told him what he was going to tell him; 2) told him; 3) then summarized by telling him what he told him. No one else presented with that kind of clarity which is why he won the job.
Q: What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a Hudson Job Search Advisor?
A: If you enjoy intermingling with men and women who are true business professionals, have a passion for helping others, enjoy witnessing that success, then the role of Advisor will bring satisfaction to your God given talents
Q: How did you learn how to advise Job Seekers?
A: After I sold my company I knew I wanted to do something that would utilize my business knowledge and skills, so I involved myself in efforts that I never had time to do while in business. One day I met a man , Bob Madison, who became a dear friend. We learned our business travels took us to many of the same places and we knew many of the same people. Bob would always talk about his “clients” like they were family. Bob’s passion and integrity for HJS was in his blood. He never pushed me but my admiration for this man was so deep, it mandated my asking him if he thought I’d be a good Advisor…the rest is history. Later I learned this person who recommended me was actually a legend within HJS.
Q: If Hudson Job Search could do anything, with limitless donations, what would you like to see the organization accomplish in the next 5 years?
A: HJS does so much right now for so many people. We deal in a discretionary environment helping with resumes, providing counsel, performing individual assessment evaluations that define strengths and areas for development. Ultimately, we’ll help you clarify what the ideal job looks like. We start with helping you network by coaching you through an “elevator speech”. When you’re ready we discretely conduct and televise a “mock interview” where only you and your Advisor will have a copy.
Yet, technology allows us to widen our band. Our ability to perform hybrid Zoom or live meetings, and speaker platforms, have advanced us outside of our local area is now larger than ever. Yet, I believe we could set a strategic plan in place to let employers everywhere know we exist with a goal they use HJS as 1st source for posting new positions.
Now who does that at “no charge” ?
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