As one of our most valued Advisors approaches her 30th year anniversary with the organization we devote this post to spotlight her history. We appreciate all our volunteer advisors and what they contribute to the community by working one-on-one with job seekers. Thank you, Arlene Grohl for everything you continue to contribute to Hudson Job Search and the community’s job seekers.
Professional Background
Arlene was a professional educator as a high school English teacher and library media specialist. She also did career and academic counseling at University of Akron, and after retirement she was an Executive Director for a non-profit.
Q: What inspired you to become an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: As a teacher I most enjoyed launching people who were equipped to work for and realize their goals. While counseling nontraditional college students, I became aware that throughout adulthood people may need to find a satisfying career fit and to continue life-long learning.
Q: How long have you been an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: Since June of 1993.
Q: What do you enjoy the most about your role as an Advisor with the organization?
A: I most enjoy the effort that clients and counselors devote to realizing clients’ potential. When a job seeker puts the newly learned job search skills to work, and acknowledges strengths of their own, they are equipped to launch. Though some of this support is guided by the steps of HJS process, much is credited to the trust that the client and advisor have put in one another.
Q: What’s your favorite Hudson Job Search story?
A: I like the success stories of those who transition to a new career path: from engineer to teacher, from artist to entrepreneur, for example.
Q: What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a Hudson Job Search Advisor?
A: There is much to celebrate while you direct and support a job seeker through the process of gaining skills and improving self-awareness.
Q: How did you learn how to advise Job Seekers?
A: Hudson Job Search provides an effective template for clients’ goals. I also gained through the stories
and examples of other advisors. HJS has always had on-going training for advisors.
Q: If Hudson Job Search could do anything, with limitless donations, what would you like to see the organization accomplish in the next 5 years?
A: Increased outreach with churches and college students would allow our skilled advisors to impact more job seekers.
See other Featured Advisors below: