At Hudson Job Search we are continuously looking for volunteers that will learn to become Advisors, helping our job seekers to navigate through their job search using our tried and true process. Just two short years ago we were fortunate enough to be joined by Anant Upadhyayula, a new Advisor who has already contributed substantial value to job seekers and the organization. Through his consistent involvement at monthly Advisor Meetings and attendance at both virtual and in-person Monday Night Job Seeker Events, Anant has brought a great deal of insight and encouragement. With his professional experience and diverse work background Anant, and Advisors like him, are the reason why Hudson Job Search is so effective at helping job seekers. In this post we learn more about his background and invaluable service to Hudson Job Search.
Professional Background
Anant Upadhyayula received a graduate degree in Chemical Engineering. He worked as a research engineer in oxide fuel cell research and commercialization for 10th 4 years. For 2 years he worked at Nexus Engineering as senior I&C engineer. Currently he is working at GOJO Industries as controls engineer.
Q: What inspired you to become an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: During two job transitions Hudson Job Search helped me. Jim Ahern & Pete helped me get through the first transition. After a year I reached out to Jim and expressed my interest. He showed me what Advisors do and showed me the process to follow.
Q: How long have you been an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: For 2 years.
Q: What do you enjoy the most about your role as an Advisor with the organization?
A: I like helping other job seekers, as others have helped me throughout my career.
Q: What’s your favorite Hudson Job Search story?
I reached out to Marvin Montgomery seeking advice and that I would like to give a presentation. He did not say we have enough presenters already. He said we are always looking for good content, put something together and show what you want to share. We are always looking for good content.
Q: What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a Hudson Job Search Advisor?
A: If Hudson Job Search has helped you, this is one of the best ways to pay it forward to someone else who needs the help.
Q: How did you learn how to advise Job Seekers?
A: Jim Ahern, the former HJS President, showed me all the tools and how to use the HJS timeline to become an effective accountability buddy for the job seeker.
Q: If Hudson Job Search could do anything, with limitless donations, what would you like to see the organization accomplish in the next 5 years?
A: Hudson Job Search strengthens the community feeling. Friendly Advisors and welcoming members make the job seekers at ease. HJS does not sell anything – yet gives all the necessary tools to the job seekers for free. This puts HJS far above other paid job placement agencies.
I do hope the hybrid sessions comes to an end soon (where some attendees are in person while others are attending virtually). The convenience of being able to meet virtually is good but it does not help job seekers with real networking.
See other Featured Advisors below: