Giving Back

One hundred percent of your financial donations support the important job seeker programs at Hudson Job Search.

Ways to Give to Hudson Job Search

Hudson Job Search is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. You can help support our organization by donating your time or money.  One hundred percent of your financial donations support the important job seeker programs at Hudson Job Search.

Donate Your Time and Talent

At Hudson Job Search, your time and talent are appreciated just as much as monetary donations. There are at least three ways where you can help support our mission with your time and talent:

• Volunteer Your Time by becoming an Advisor
• Volunteer Your Talent for specific projects or committees
• Volunteer Your Time and Talent by a featured speaker at our Monday Night Meetings

We would love your help in the following areas: Finance, Marketing, Training, IT, Process and Quality, Programs, Fundraising, and Speaker Selection. Fill out our contact form, and we will get right back to you.

Financial Donations

When you donate funds to Hudson Job Search, you help with:

• Training of volunteer Hudson Job Search Advisors
• Independent assessment of job seeker strengths and weaknesses
• Funding the breadth of tools we provide to job seekers
• The equipment and software to upload and view practice interviews
• Keeping our website and digital communications up-to-date
• Administrative fees

To make a financial contribution to Hudson Job Search please use the form on this page to donate using either a credit card or bank account. Enter your own amount into the form or select a pre-determined donation. You can also decide whether to make this a one-time donation or an annual contribution. Please enter a valid email address which is used to send a link to an automated tax receipt for your records.

Donate by QR Code:

You can also donate by scanning this QR code with your smart phone which will bring you to the same donation form embedded on this page.

Donate to Hudson Job Search

Donate By Mailing a Check

You can use the form in this page to enter checking account information or mail a check to:
Hudson Job Search
5486 Port Chester Dr.
Hudson, OH 44236.

We will send you a thank you letter stating your contribution was not exchanged for gifts or services.


Electronic Donation

Use the form below to make a donation with a credit card or other electronic payment form. Choose a pre-determined amount or enter your custom amount in the fields below.

Thank You to Our 2023 Sponsors

giving back, Burton D Morgan Foundation, The Rotary Club of Hudson OH, St Mary Parish, League for Service

2021 Sponsors

The services of Hudson Job Search are made possible by the generous financial support received from Hudson area foundations, churches and many caring individuals. We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, so all contributions are tax-deductible.

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