For many years Hudson Job Search has benefitted from a relationship with Katherine Burik as a Monday Night Speaker. As a sought-after public speaker and the best-selling author of three books related to job search Katherine writes a regular blog about job search, interviews, resumes and using LinkedIn in your job search. In 2022 Katherine became a volunteer advisor with Hudson Job Search, working with job seekers one-on-one through their job search process. We take this month to feature Katherine and spotlight her amazing contribution to the organization with this interview:
Professional Background
Katherine Burik is founder of The Interview Doctor, Inc. offering fast action remedies to help you find your ideal job. Her coaching techniques come from her personal experience as a business leader organizing her own job searches, creating a better way to interview and figuring out how to “network” as a shy person to get ahead in her career. Katherine has a special affinity for executives in the C-Suite since she held that role and interacted with C-Suite for most of her career. In her prior life, Katherine was Vice President or Director Human Resources for companies in various industries in Chicago and Northeast Ohio.
Q: What inspired you to become an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: I appreciate Hudson Job Search’s philosophy that matches clients (job seekers) with advisors while offering educational opportunities through speakers knowledgeable about job search. I also like the many ways HJS supports other job search groups in Northeast Ohio in a collegial way.
Q: How long have you been an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: I have had the great opportunity to speak for the job seekers of Hudson Job Search for several years now but this was my first year volunteering as an Advisor and working with clients* (job seekers) one-on-one.
Q: What do you enjoy the most about your role as an Advisor with the organization?
A: It is very satisfying to see our clients* get new jobs, extending HJS alumni across the Northeast Ohio region and even further.
Q: What’s your favorite Hudson Job Search story?
I am working with a client* right now who is the most resilient, optimistic person I’ve ever worked with. He makes me smile with every call!
Q: What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a Hudson Job Search Advisor?
A: It is most satisfying to coach folks to find their next opportunity, knowing that we are supporting growth in Northeast Ohio.
Q: How did you learn how to advise Job Seekers?
A: I am a certified business coach so I know how to coach people as they learn new skills, like job search. I read a lot and listen to other job search experts, plus I’ve been coaching job seekers for years so the Hudson Job Search clients fit right into my regular practice.
Q: If Hudson Job Search could do anything, with limitless donations, what would you like to see the organization accomplish in the next 5 years?
A: I think, with the right resources, Hudson Job Search could find a way to leverage the HJS alumni (past job seekers) to strengthen the job search network.
* At Hudson Job Search we treat our job seekers as clients, and refer to them as such. Our Advisors are placed with job seekers, who they refer to as clients, to deliver one-on-one support with the same level of service and attention that one would deliver in a client/customer relationship. However, all our services are free of charge and the Advisors are volunteers that do not get paid for their services.
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