Mike Talbot, a Hudson, Ohio resident, found himself with free time in the second half of his life, and inspired by the philosophies of Roman Statesman, Cicero, became a volunteer with our Hudson non-profit organization, Hudson Job Search. Learn more about Mike’s background, his motivation and history as a volunteer Advisor for Hudson Job Search in this interview:
Professional Background
Michael Talbot has 35 years of experience in executive management for a Fortune 5 healthcare company. Responsibilities included: store operations for over 1,000 locations, managing the profit and loss for an $8B business, real estate, marketing, merchandising, human resource functions, new market entry strategy and execution.
Q: What inspired you to become an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: A quote from a book I read, “From Strength to Strength”, by Arthur C. Brooks. The book is a roadmap for thriving in the second half of life. In the book the author presents the philosophy of Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar and philosopher.
“Cicero believed three things about older age. First, that it should be dedicated to SERVICE, not goofing off. Second, our greatest gift ever in life is WISDOM, in which learning and thought create a worldview that can enrich others. Third, our natural ability at this point is COUNSEL: mentoring, advising and teaching others, in a why that does not amass worldly rewards of money, power, or prestige.”
When I retired and actually had some free time for the first time in 35 years, I went to a Hudson Job Search meeting to see what it was all about. I found it to be a great “hidden” resource in Hudson. After all my time in the business world I thought I had something to offer and help folks in between careers to find their next opportunity.
Q: How long have you been an Advisor with Hudson Job Search?
A: Roughly 10 years, I believe.
Q: What do you enjoy the most about your role as an Advisor with the organization?
A: The opportunity to be involved in my community and work with some truly talented and dedicated Advisors with a common goal of helping others through what can be a very difficult time both individually and as a family. Always a great feeling to see a client find their next opportunity and feel great about it.
Q: What’s your favorite Hudson Job Search story?
I once saw Mike Polovick out without a sportscoat.
Q: What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a Hudson Job Search Advisor?
A:It is a great organization, right in your backyard, to be able to help out your fellow neighbors.
Q: How did you learn how to advise Job Seekers?
A: Other advisors, plus a spent a career leading and developing others so it was very natural.
Q: If Hudson Job Search could do anything, with limitless donations, what would you like to see the organization accomplish in the next 5 years?
A: Continue to leverage technology and social media to get the HJS message out and make it as easy as possible for Advisors and clients (job seekers) to work most effectively and efficiently.
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