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When the Job Offer Seems too Good to Be True [Infographic]

Hudson Job Search, How to Avoid fake job scams, Hudson, Ohio, Mulligan Management Group

Throughout your job search, you may be target by scammers that will attempt to take advantage of your situation. In 2018, people reported losing $1.48 billion to scammers according to the Federal Trade Commission. These scams include identity theft, debt collection, and imposters. Financial scams can consist of personal information such as your social security number, bank info, or one’s birthday. You would think that it would be easy to spot a scammer, but they can be compelling and elaborate. Fake job scams are on the rise. Here’s how to protect yourself.

Top 5 Online Job Scams

Believe it or not, scammers treat their craft as a job and will stop at nothing to steal from you. They will construct convincing and elaborate emails, websites, and job offers to persuade you. Job Hunt says these are the top five scams they have seen.

  1. Email Job Offer- Email addresses that borrow logos or company names to seem legitimate.
  2. Fake Jobs on Social Media- Fake Facebook pages, LinkedIn profiles, or Twitter accounts
  3. Fake Jobs from “legitimate” Employers- Advertisements for a false position at a large company like Apple or Google.
  4. Bogus Jobs on Legitimate Job Boards- Happens on well-known sites like Indeed, Monster, and Career Builder.
  5. Fake Recruiter, Employer, and Job boards Websites- One the hardest to spot, sites look professional and convincing

 How to Recognize and Avoid Fake Job Scams

Hudson Job Search, Hudson Ohio, Mulligan Management Group

Do your research

Scammers target people who they think will fall into their trap, don’t be one of them! You can cross-check the information they are feeding you through company sites and web forums along with scammer tracking sites. The Better Business Bureau has a website dedicated to reporting and tracking scammers all over the United States. If you suspect a scammer or know someone who falls victim to a scam, report it!

Don’t be like Michael Scott!

Please come to our Next Hudson Job Search Meeting!

Hudson Job Search will present Exposing the Hidden Job Market by Abby Kohut on August 5th @ 7:15-9:00 pm at Christ Church Episcopal, 21 Aurora St.  Hudson, OH. Abby’s topic will discuss the most effective ways to get employed and what recruiters know and won’t tell candidates.

All our events are free of charge and open to anyone who lives and works in the greater NEO area, whether you currently have a job or not. No need to register in advance, but seating is limited to approximately 40 individuals. Please dress business casual.

Michael McClafferty is an intern at Mulligan Management Group