7 Things You Need to Change Your Attitude

power of attitude, attitude

Marvin Montgomery spoke last Monday night about your Power of Attitude in almost everything that happens to you. He reiterated that things will happen to you – whether it is a loss of a job, divorce, or death of a loved one.

Marvin wants job seekers to look at this loss as an opportunity. So here are seven things you can do in your job search to keep your options open and your attitude sky high!

7 Powerful Positions


  1. Remember, attitude is a choice.
    We can choose to be negative or positive. Exercise self-control and be calm and patient, don’t let your emotions decide what you will do. Always choose to be positive.
  2. Manage stress.
    When you lose your job, people will say unkind or insensitive things. If you are the primary breadwinner and your family relies on your income, these comments and other items can build up stress within yourself. So what can you do to manage the stress effectively?

    1. Exercise
    2. Walk outside
    3. Stop worrying – think, pray, or meditate about the situation and then ask yourself two questions:

Can you do something about whatever concerns you? If so, do it NOW!

If you can’t do anything about it, LET IT GO!

  1. Be a duck.

  1. Focus on the positive.

“Your outlook impacts your outcome.” – Marvin Montgomery

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

What are you focused on? Look at the big picture and focus on what you have today.

  1. Pull the weeds. 

    Get rid of the things that are keeping you down.

  2. Keep things first time fresh. 

Marvin acknowledged that many of us have become too relaxed on Zoom after almost two years into the pandemic. However, he said now is the time to shake things up and set a schedule.

He suggested we get up at our regular work time, exercise, shower, shave or do our makeup. Then, get out and get a haircut.

He also said candidates should change their job-seeking approach if it isn’t working. For example, if you spend countless hours on the computer sending out applications and emailing contacts, now might be the time to pick up the telephone and call or text individuals. Go to networking meetings and set a goal to meet ten new people. Try something new.

  1. Bend, but don’t break.

    Be flexible in your job search. As Bill Homjak stated two weeks ago, sometimes temp, contract, and part-time jobs can lead to full-time employment. So look for the possibilities with a job offer and don’t fear the unknown.
  2. Expect the best.

You are going to the interview to see if the company is a good fit. Have self-confidence and self-control when you enter the interview room. Expect to win over the individual or individuals in the room. Be all in and ask what the next step is when the interview concludes. Always expect the best!


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All our events are free of charge, and for the time being, are via Zoom. Therefore, you can participate whether you currently have a job or not. However, you must register in advance by filling out our contact form before 3 pm the day of our meeting.