Nonverbal Perks and Pitfalls of the Interviewing Process

The New Normal – Virtual Interviews: An Insider’s Keys to Success

"The New Normal - Virtual Interviews: An Insider's Keys of Success" - Interviewing for a job during the pandemic is more frightening than a Halloween Haunted House. - I don’t feel comfortable with these virtual interviews - I have had several interviews but I haven’t received any offers. Any of these sound familiar? If so, […]

Networking Techniques & Your Elevator Speech

Hudson Job Search welcomes Phil Stella to the Monday, Nov. 2 ZOOM speaker presentation to discuss “Networking Techniques and Your Elevator Speech.” Ask anyone who has been or is involved in a job search what the most important task that must be undertaken…and the answer will be networking. That is because 70-80% of jobs are […]

Secrets of a Professional Resume Writer – Writing a Resume that Gets Results

Due to COVID-19 we will be conducting our meetings on ZOOM. Please go to and complete the contact information with a request to register for the meeting. Please do this no later than 3:00 p.m. the day of the meeting so we can get you registered and send a link to the meeting. Kris […]

Job Seeking During the Time of COVID

On Monday, December 7 Jeremy Short will present "Job Seeking During the Time of COVID" for Hudson Job Search. Jeremy will share tips and techniques that will help determine what is the most effective way to job hunt during COVID and how job interviewing has changed. Jeremy will focus on why it is important to […]

Marketing Yourself Like a Pro

Hudson Job Search will present speaker Jim Folger on Monday, December 21 on "Marketing Yourself Like a Pro," a very important topic for all job seekers and especially during a pandemic. Folger will be giving a presentation detailing a process and methodology for successfully marketing yourself into target companies where you don’t already have a […]

Nonverbal Perks and Pitfalls of the Interviewing Process

You just received a call from an organization that likes your resume and wants to interview you. Now what? You know highlighting your skills and experiences in the interview are important. But, what else can influence your interview, and what can you do to stand out over others and be seen as the best candidate? […]

Job Search for the Age 50+ Job Seeker

Bill Homjak, will present the topic of job search for the experienced professional, those that find themselves unemployed at mid-life or later. Many attendees at Hudson Job Search report not having been in a job search for 10, 15, and 20 years — Homjak will discuss a strategy to make age irrelevant. While aimed at […]

Virtual Interviewing…What to Expect, How to Succeed Fearlessly!

Virtual Interviewing…What to Expect, How to Succeed Fearlessly!  Looking for a new job and dreading the interview process?  Now you hear you have to do a virtual interview?  Unsure how to handle a virtual interview? With the pandemic, one of the biggest changes job seekers face is that interviews are primarily virtual. […]

Networking in the New Normal

“Networking in the New Normal” Hugo Sandberg is excited to join the Hudson Job Search group with a presentation on “Networking in the New Normal” on February 15th. As a past HJS client, Hugo is familiar with the HJS group and process and has firsthand knowledge of the power of networking when it comes to […]

47 Uncommon Ways to Conduct an Awesome Search

At the March 1, 2021 Hudson Job Search meeting Abby Kohut will speak on “47 Uncommon Ways to Conduct an Awesome Search.” Abby Kohut is known as Absolutely Abby because she tells the Absolute truth about the job search process. In her travels doing presentations on job search she says “During my journey across the […]