Thank You for Contacting Us

Thank you for contacting Hudson Job Search.  If you indicated that you would like assistance in your job search, check your inbox over the next few days for an intake form from our Administrative Assistant, Kim Kitchen, from

If you indicated that you would like more information about becoming a volunteer or making a donation to our non-profit organization, we appreciate your interest and will contact you soon to continue the discussion. 

Monday Night Speaker Meeting

Consider attending, either in-person or on-line, our next Monday Night Speaker Meeting hosted on the first and third Mondays of each month. Here is a link to the list of upcoming meetings. Choose to register for either on-line or in person registration and we hope to see you soon. 

At Hudson Job Search the free seminars are open to everyone. Feel free to spread the word or bring someone with you. Learn more about our free job seeker resources on our page: Free Job Search Services

Free Seminar Entrance

Location: Christ Church Episcopal in Hudson

21 Aurora St., Hudson, OH 44236 United States  + Google Map

Christ Church Episcopal is a large white church with red doors, made up of several buildings, and located next to First Congregational Church (a brick building).  Visitors unfamiliar with the area could easily be confused. Please look at the pictures on this page to get an idea of where to enter and determine where to park accordingly. There will be small signage at the door.

Hudson Job Search