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job search
Jim Lang Volunteer Hudson, Ohio
Professional Background Jim Lang has more than fifty years of experience in sales, marketing and sales management positions and started his own manufacturers rep business in the retail home improvement industry. In that time Jim has developed thousands of relationships with people and businesses in the Northeast Ohio area and is a very experienced networker....
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LinkedIn, LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn Job Search tips, De-de Mulligan
De-de Mulligan from Mulligan Management Group walked Monday night’s Zoom attendees through a much overlooked and misunderstood aspect of LinkedIn, Jobs. De-de shared with the group that job security is a thing of the past, and LI users need to keep their profiles active. In addition, since LinkedIn is run by Artificial Intelligence (AI), candidates...
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job search tool, data-rich job search
Diana Clarke, Owner of Silverwood Associates, spoke about building your future with O*NET Online. This free tool, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, has detailed descriptions of the world of work for job seekers, workforce development, HR professionals, students, and researchers!   Diana spent much of her career working in career guidance and job placement. However,...
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job search strategies
Abby Kohut, Owner & Recruiter at Staffing Symphony, LLC, talked about strategies she has personally used with her clients or those she has heard or read about. She encouraged our attendees to try one or more, especially if their job search is currently stalled.   Uncommon LinkedIn Job Search Strategies   Alert your LinkedIn connections...
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ideal job search, Hudson Job Search
Phil Stella, President of Effective Training & Communication, Inc., was our most recent presenter.   He said the exercise below should take two weeks to complete.   On the positive side, it will shorten your job search and give you good interview answers.   On the negative side, it is a pain in the butt...
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