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Using LinkedIn to Land a Job Quicker

LinkedIn, LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn Job Search tips, De-de Mulligan

De-de Mulligan from Mulligan Management Group walked Monday night’s Zoom attendees through a much overlooked and misunderstood aspect of LinkedIn, Jobs.

De-de shared with the group that job security is a thing of the past, and LI users need to keep their profiles active. In addition, since LinkedIn is run by Artificial Intelligence (AI), candidates must become more familiar and comfortable with the technology that will help them find a job faster.

She mentioned that it’s vital participants have three things completed before using the Job tab –

  • Have a thoroughly fleshed out LinkedIn profile
  • Have at least 500 connections and
  • Know what type of job or jobs you are looking for

De-de started with the Jobs menu and covered everything on the left side of this page:

LinkedIn, LinkedIn Jobs


She worked her way from the bottom to the top of the column and took comments and questions along the way.

She mentioned there are many Premium add-ons for job seekers within each tab. A LinkedIn Premium Career account costs $29.99 per month and can be canceled at any time.

  • For the money, the Premium Career account offers several additional features over the basic account, including free InMails, profile views, more intel on the job and job applicants, and featured applicant status.
  • You will have longer video tutorials on Job Seeker Guidance.
  • You will also receive sample answers to the Interview Prep.
  • Some recruiters feel that having a premium status indicates that an applicant is more serious and professional about landing a job.

Within the Job Seeker Guidance tab at the bottom, there is a checklist for helping you find a job. Once you check an item, it stays there. Here it is:

LinkedIn, LinkedIn Jobs

Under the tab Resume Builder, De-de reminded the attendees they can either upload their resume via Microsoft Docs or use their LinkedIn profile to build a resume. Either way, LinkedIn will tell you what keywords are covered in your resume and which ones you need to add. If you have Premium, more keywords will be unlocked for you.

The Interview Prep tab is the most impressive, with several job categories and common questions asked for each one. The participant has the opportunity to write or record their response and then ask for feedback from their 1st connections! In addition, if you record a video, AI will measure tonal inflections and word speed. This is a powerful tool!

LinkedIn, LinkedIn Jobs


De-de touched upon Skills Assessment. If the person takes the quiz and answers 70% or more of the questions correctly, they will receive a badge on their profile, and when applying for jobs, the badge will be highlighted with recruiters. However, this Skill Assessment is currently only available for technology and IT users. Look for additions over time in other areas.

Salary is another area every job seeker should be familiar with. Knowing how much a position pays (including a bonus) can offer powerful negotiating tips.

Lastly, it’s vital to set job alerts. This process may take some time initially, but it will save you tons of time on the backend! For example, you can set up ten job alerts and send them daily or weekly to your email.

“Your LinkedIn profile and activity should be always changing. Learn new things. Add something new. Comment on another person’s post. These are all great ways to keep your profile ahead of others.” — De-de Mulligan