PLEASE NOTE THIS PROGRAM MEETS ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 6 DUE TO THE LABOR DAY HOLIDAY During the job search process, we deal with large amounts of rejection. The result of rejection can be withdrawal, fear of calling, or reduced networking. These are all bad things for a job seeker. The I/R Theory (Identity/Role) represents the...Read More
Statistics report 85% of jobs are filled through networking and 70% of jobs are never published publicly. Yet the prospect of doing real networking can feel overwhelming and be stifled by the fear of rejection. How does a job seeker in today’s environment, conquer this fear, anxiety or apprehension and effectively use networking to secure...Read More
Bill Homjak was the presenter last Monday, and he speaks from experience. As a seasoned HR professional, he had five job changes between 50-59 years of age and three additional ones in his 60s. “Is age a disadvantage in finding a job?” Bill said it could be as an employer can hire someone with the...Read More
Diana Clarke, Owner of Silverwood Associates, spoke about building your future with O*NET Online. This free tool, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, has detailed descriptions of the world of work for job seekers, workforce development, HR professionals, students, and researchers! Diana spent much of her career working in career guidance and job placement. However,...Read More
Phil Stella, President of Effective Training & Communication, Inc., was our most recent presenter. He said the exercise below should take two weeks to complete. On the positive side, it will shorten your job search and give you good interview answers. On the negative side, it is a pain in the butt...Read More
Kris McGuigan, Found & CEO of Professional Courage, was our speaker at Monday’s meeting. Kris mentioned several individuals would give you their opinion about your resume, but it’s important to seek someone who is credentialed and someone you trust. Then stick with that person’s opinion, or else you will be utterly confused and frustrated during...Read More
Rico Aliers spoke about eTools for a Modern Job Search last Monday evening, which included using social media and what to put on your online application to get through the Applicant Tracking System. Rico insisted that all job seekers must have some social media presence to be relevant to an employer. He feels that each...Read More
You will be filling out what seems to be an endless amount of applications throughout your job search. They all seem to ask for the same information, such as employment history, education, experience, and some references. It may be challenging to decide who you want to speak on your behalf to your potential employer. There...Read More
By Bob Madison Congratulations on landing a new position and concluding your job search! Of course, you’re happy you should be. However, before you say, “thank goodness that’s over,” several things are remaining as you are concluding your job search. These will help you start your new job on the right foot and better position...Read More
Hugh Littleton of HJL Leadership Solutions was our speaker last Monday evening. How does Emotional Intelligence apply to your job search? Management needs people who can support their co-workers in an empathetic way. Without a substantial degree of it, your job search is doomed. Hugh stated that Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a yardstick for leaders...Read More
On Monday, March 1, Abby Kohut, President of Staffing Symphony, shared her valuable insights with our group about what works and what does not when searching for a job. She is a full-time corporate recruiter who has spent the last several years helping job seekers with their search strategy. ” The following ideas suggesting creativity...Read More
So you have finally done it, you graduated from college — which is exciting for some but also terrifying for others. Finding your first professional job to set you on a successful career can be daunting. We’re here to help you make that first step. In today’s blog, we will be going over the best...Read More
Unemployment benefits, they aren’t something to look forward to but can give some peace of mind. If you lose your job, you are given a small cushion to fall back on while you begin your job search. Some states legally require your employer to provide you with severance or unemployment benefits. Also, you should remember...Read More